Saturday, May 29, 2010

Part or Execution by Boots Factor

Boots Factor, drummer for Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers, recently put out his first solo full-length album. He had previously released 2 EP's online under his given name Brian Factor. (These are available on itunes) Having owned and listened to those EP's for 2 years, I feel that this new LP has moved forward in such a way that the change in name for the artist is appropriate. Those previous EP's are good for what they are- a side project of a drummer who is seeking a creative outlet. They lacked a focus in songwriting. The tempo for each song was similar enough that the albums themselves tended to drag, and without the lyrical chops that many expect from a singer/songwriter, the albums fell flat. (If you are a SK6ers fan, you will also notice one other important difference with this album vs. the Sixers albums, Boots' voice. These EP's have taken away some of the nasal qualities that many fans have become used to. He has such a distinct voice that it seemed that the post-production sought to eliminate the uniqueness of his voice.)

This new album, Part or Execution, has none of those problems. The album starts out with the track, Trying to Try, which is an upbeat song featuring banjo that shows off the new Boots. Other highlights on this album include the song of a man's life, Grow. This song was written during the Sixthman songwriting retreat by Boots, Tyrone Wells, and Scott Romig (Dexter Freebish). After hearing this song on the Rockboat, this is one of the songs that I was most looking forward to hearing. It showcases songwriting, Boots' voice, and subtle harmonies. This song is definitely a highpoint on this album. Other gems include Right Right Now and Lover's Past. The only song that doesn't resonate with me is North of Pearl. It has a slow tempo that feels very one note. The album ends with a track that is completely different than the rest of the album. The Killing Kind showcases an honest man plainly stating, "I wanna steal your fucking girlfriend." While this may seem harsh, the song is such a driving force of harsh lyrics and rhythm guitar that somehow the listener finds themselves enjoying the song. You may not feel good about yourself afterwards, but the song reaches something within everyone.
Overall, this album is such a step forward for Boots that one can't wait to see what else he has up his sleeve. Playing the banjo, mandolin, drums, and guitars, Boots musical talent is showcased on this record. His songwriting and vocals have also come such a long way from previous EP's. I would highly recommend this album to anyone- it's the perfect album to keep in your car and have as the soundtrack to your daily commute to work or just a nice drive on a summer day.

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