Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Yarn -- Bethany Thinks They Suck

We had the unfortunate opportunity to see the band Yarn in concert. Let me tell you, they are no good. Not even decent. They hit suck and kept on plummeting down.

First, they stole all the opening act's jokes. And bombed them horribly. (poor bartender)

Second, I will concede that there is good reason to admire the true musicianship of a truly phenomenal band member. However (and listen carefully my dearests), there's a difference between a 2 minute guitar solo, and a 20 minute jam session during the interlude of each song. I'll expound:

Each member of Yarn was given the opportunity to play a 2 minute solo in the interlude of every. single. song. And there were about 6 people in the band. THAT'S 12 MINUTES of interlude. Word to the band that sucked harder than a freaking Hoover: You are not that good, and this is not even CLOSE to as good as "Stairway to Heaven." No, you're a crap-ass blue grass band that doesn't know when to give up the self-indulgent BULLSHIT and get on with the show.

If you're ever tempted to see Yarn, do yourself a favor and kill yourself first -- it'll be less painful in the end.

Scale of 1 - 10: -45

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